Attleborough Township

October 19, 1694

Whereas there is a certain tract of land commonly called by the name of the North Purchase, lying within the county of Bristol, containing, in length, about ten miles, from Pawtucket River to the bounds of Taunton, and extending about eight miles, in breadth, from the line or boundary betwixt the two late colonies of Massachusetts and Plymouth, to the bounds of the town of Rehoboth, being a convenient tract for a township, and more than thirty families already settled thereupon; for the better encouragement and settlement of the said plantation,?

Re it enacted by the Governour, Council and Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same,

That henceforth the said tract of land as above described, and bounded by the townships of Taunton and Rehoboth (no ways to intrench upon either of their rights), be and shall be a township, and called by the name of Attleborough, and shall have and enjoy all such immunities, priviledges and powers as, generally, other towns within tins province have and do by law enjoy: provided, that it be not in prejudice of any former grant:?

Provided, also, that the inhabitants of said place do continue under the power and directions of the selectmen, assessors and constables of Rehoboth (whereto they were formerly annexed), as well referring unto any assessments and arrears thereof, as all other things proper to the duty of selectmen, assessors and constables, respectively, until they are supplied with such officers among themselves, according to the directions in the law in that case made and provided.

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